Северо-западный политехнический университет (NPU/NWPU) является IFP центром, где можно качественно выучить Китайский с нуля. А после поступить на бакалавриат или магистратуру. Ключевой профиль вуза – образование и исследования в области авиационной, космической и морской инженерии.
Северо-западный политехнический университет был основан в 1938 году. Ключевой профиль вуза – образование и исследования в области авиационной, космической и морской инженерии.
Несколько фактов:
Показать большеВузы регулярно участвуют в нескольких китайских рейтингах. Есть отраслевые рейтинги, когда присваивается место по определенной дисциплине, и сводные рейтинги – Вуз оцениваем по совокупности показателей
Читать дальшеморская инженерия
в мире по аэрокосмической инженерии
по инженерии
в Китае
в международном рейтинге
100% бесплатное обучение
На весь период обучения
Условия получения: средний балл по предметам от 85% и выше
Северо-западный политехнический университет является крупным многопрофильным вузом с большим выбором специальностей и сильной инженерной школой. Выберите направление, которое Вам подходит и программу обучения: UG (undergraduate) — бакалавриат, PG (postgraduate) — магистратура.
Название специальности | Программа обучения | Стоимость за обучение в год (юань) | срок обучения |
Acoustics |
PG | 24000 ¥ | 3 |
Aerodynamics |
PG | 24000 ¥ | 3 |
Aerospace facilities Engineering
Aerospace facilities Engineering |
PG | 24000 ¥ | 3 |
Aerospace Propulsion Theory and Engineering
Aerospace Propulsion Theory and Engineering |
PG | 24000 ¥ | 3 |
Aerospace Propulsion Theory and Engineering
Aerospace Propulsion Theory and Engineering |
PG | 24000 ¥ | 3 |
Aerospace Safety Engineering
Aerospace Safety Engineering |
PG | 24000 ¥ | 3 |
Aircraft Structures and Airworthiness Technology
Aircraft Structures and Airworthiness Technology |
PG | 24000 ¥ | 3 |
Airworthiness Technology and Management
Airworthiness Technology and Management |
PG | 24000 ¥ | 3 |
Applied Chemistry
Applied Chemistry |
PG | 24000 ¥ | 3 |
Applied Mathematics
Applied Mathematics |
PG | 24000 ¥ | 3 |
Architectural and Civil Engineering
Architectural and Civil Engineering |
PG | 24000 ¥ | 3 |
Architectural Design and Theory
Architectural Design and Theory |
PG | 24000 ¥ | 3 |
Architectural History and Theory
Architectural History and Theory |
PG | 24000 ¥ | 3 |
Armament Science and Technology
Armament Science and Technology |
PG | 24000 ¥ | 3 |
Biology |
PG | 24000 ¥ | 3 |
Biomedical Engineering
Biomedical Engineering |
PG | 24000 ¥ | 3 |
Biomedical Engineering
Biomedical Engineering |
PG | 24000 ¥ | 3 |
Biomedical Engineering
Biomedical Engineering |
PG | 24000 ¥ | 3 |
Chemical Technology
Chemical Technology |
PG | 24000 ¥ | 3 |
Armament Science and Technology
Armament Science and Technology |
PG | 24000 ¥ | 3 |
Chemistry and Physics of Polymers
Chemistry and Physics of Polymers |
PG | 24000 ¥ | 3 |
Circuit and System
Circuit and System |
PG | 24000 ¥ | 3 |
Civil Engineering
Civil Engineering |
PG | 24000 ¥ | 3 |
Communication and Information System
Communication and Information System |
PG | 24000 ¥ | 3 |
Communication and Information Systems
Communication and Information Systems |
PG | 24000 ¥ | 3 |
Communication and Information Systems
Communication and Information Systems |
PG | 24000 ¥ | 3 |
Computational Mathematics
Computational Mathematics |
PG | 24000 ¥ | 3 |
Computer Science and Technology
Computer Science and Technology |
PG | 24000 ¥ | 3 |
Computer Science and Technology
Computer Science and Technology |
PG | 24000 ¥ | 3 |
Condensed Matter Physics
Condensed Matter Physics |
PG | 24000 ¥ | 3 |
Control Engineering
Control Engineering |
PG | 24000 ¥ | 3 |
Control Science and Engineering
Control Science and Engineering |
PG | 24000 ¥ | 3 |
Control Theory and Control Engineering
Control Theory and Control Engineering |
PG | 24000 ¥ | 3 |
Control Theory and Engineering
Control Theory and Engineering |
PG | 24000 ¥ | 3 |
Design and Manufacture of Naval Architecture and Marine Structure
Design and Manufacture of Naval Architecture and Marine Structure |
PG | 24000 ¥ | 3 |
Design Science
Design Science |
PG | 24000 ¥ | 3 |
Detection Technology and Automatic Equipment
Detection Technology and Automatic Equipment |
PG | 24000 ¥ | 3 |
Electrical Engineering
Electrical Engineering |
PG | 24000 ¥ | 3 |
Electrical Engineering
Electrical Engineering |
PG | 24000 ¥ | 3 |
Electrical Engineering
Electrical Engineering |
PG | 24000 ¥ | 3 |
Electromagnetic Field and Microwave Techniques
Electromagnetic Field and Microwave Techniques |
PG | 24000 ¥ | 3 |
Electronic and Communication Engineering
Electronic and Communication Engineering |
PG | 24000 ¥ | 3 |
Engineering Mechancis
Engineering Mechancis |
PG | 24000 ¥ | 3 |
Engineering Thermophysics
Engineering Thermophysics |
PG | 24000 ¥ | 3 |
Engineering Thermophysics
Engineering Thermophysics |
PG | 24000 ¥ | 3 |
Environmental Engineering
Environmental Engineering |
PG | 24000 ¥ | 3 |
Environmental Engineering
Environmental Engineering |
PG | 24000 ¥ | 3 |
Environmental Science
Environmental Science |
PG | 24000 ¥ | 3 |
Flight Vehicle Design
Flight Vehicle Design |
PG | 24000 ¥ | 3 |
Flight Vehicle Design
Flight Vehicle Design |
PG | 24000 ¥ | 3 |
Fluid Machinery and Engineering
Fluid Machinery and Engineering |
PG | 24000 ¥ | 3 |
Fluid Mechanics
Fluid Mechanics |
PG | 24000 ¥ | 3 |
Fluid Mechanics
Fluid Mechanics |
PG | 24000 ¥ | 3 |
Fundamental Mathematics
Fundamental Mathematics |
PG | 24000 ¥ | 3 |
General and Fundamental Mechanics
General and Fundamental Mechanics |
PG | 24000 ¥ | 3 |
Industrial Design
Industrial Design |
PG | 24000 ¥ | 3 |
Industrial Engineering
Industrial Engineering |
PG | 24000 ¥ | 3 |
Instrument Science and Technology
Instrument Science and Technology |
PG | 24000 ¥ | 3 |
Instrument Science and Technology
Instrument Science and Technology |
PG | 24000 ¥ | 3 |
Integrated Avionics Technology
Integrated Avionics Technology |
PG | 24000 ¥ | 3 |
Integrated Circuit Engineering
Integrated Circuit Engineering |
PG | 24000 ¥ | 3 |
Kinetic Energy Machinery and Engineering
Kinetic Energy Machinery and Engineering |
PG | 24000 ¥ | 3 |
Machatronic Engineering
Machatronic Engineering |
PG | 24000 ¥ | 3 |
Man-Machine and Environmental Engineering
Man-Machine and Environmental Engineering |
PG | 24000 ¥ | 3 |
Manufacturing Engineering of Aerospace Vechicle
Manufacturing Engineering of Aerospace Vechicle |
PG | 24000 ¥ | 3 |
Material Science
Material Science |
PG | 24000 ¥ | 3 |
Materials Physics and Chemistry
Materials Physics and Chemistry |
PG | 24000 ¥ | 3 |
Materials Processing Engineering
Materials Processing Engineering |
PG | 24000 ¥ | 3 |
Materials Science
Materials Science |
PG | 24000 ¥ | 3 |
Matericals Processing Technology
Matericals Processing Technology |
PG | 24000 ¥ | 3 |
Matericals Science
Matericals Science |
PG | 24000 ¥ | 3 |
Means of Transport Applied Engineering
Means of Transport Applied Engineering |
PG | 24000 ¥ | 3 |
Mechanical Design and Theory
Mechanical Design and Theory |
PG | 24000 ¥ | 3 |
Mechanical Manufacturing and Automation
Mechanical Manufacturing and Automation |
PG | 24000 ¥ | 3 |
Mechatronic Engineering
Mechatronic Engineering |
PG | 24000 ¥ | 3 |
MEMS and Nanotechnology
MEMS and Nanotechnology |
PG | 24000 ¥ | 3 |
Micro-electronics and Solid-state Electronics
Micro-electronics and Solid-state Electronics |
PG | 24000 ¥ | 3 |
Navigation, Guidance and Control
Navigation, Guidance and Control |
PG | 24000 ¥ | 3 |
Network space security
Network space security |
PG | 24000 ¥ | 3 |
Operational Research and Cybernetics
Operational Research and Cybernetics |
PG | 24000 ¥ | 3 |
Opitics Engineering
Opitics Engineering |
PG | 24000 ¥ | 3 |
Optics |
PG | 24000 ¥ | 3 |
Physic Electronics
Physic Electronics |
PG | 24000 ¥ | 3 |
Physical Chemistry
Physical Chemistry |
PG | 24000 ¥ | 3 |
Power Electronics and Power Drives
Power Electronics and Power Drives |
PG | 24000 ¥ | 3 |
Probability and Statistics
Probability and Statistics |
PG | 24000 ¥ | 3 |
Safety Engineering
Safety Engineering |
PG | 24000 ¥ | 3 |
Signal and Information Processing
Signal and Information Processing |
PG | 24000 ¥ | 3 |
Signal and Information Processing
Signal and Information Processing |
PG | 24000 ¥ | 3 |
Signal and Information Processing
Signal and Information Processing |
PG | 24000 ¥ | 3 |
Software Engineering
Software Engineering |
PG | 24000 ¥ | 3 |
Software Engineering (Academic)
Software Engineering (Academic) |
PG | 24000 ¥ | 3 |
Software Engineering (Professional)
Software Engineering (Professional) |
PG | 24000 ¥ | 3 |
Solid Mechanics
Solid Mechanics |
PG | 24000 ¥ | 3 |
Space Applied Science and Engineering
Space Applied Science and Engineering |
PG | 24000 ¥ | 3 |
Statistics |
PG | 24000 ¥ | 3 |
System Analysis and Integration
System Analysis and Integration |
PG | 24000 ¥ | 3 |
Systems Engineering
Systems Engineering |
PG | 24000 ¥ | 3 |
Thermal Power Engineering
Thermal Power Engineering |
PG | 24000 ¥ | 3 |
Thermal Power Engineering
Thermal Power Engineering |
PG | 24000 ¥ | 3 |
Traffic Engineering
Traffic Engineering |
PG | 24000 ¥ | 3 |
Traffic Engineering
Traffic Engineering |
PG | 24000 ¥ | 3 |
Transportation Planning and Management
Transportation Planning and Management |
PG | 24000 ¥ | 3 |
Underwater Acoustics Engineering
Underwater Acoustics Engineering |
PG | 24000 ¥ | 3 |
Vehicle Engineering
Vehicle Engineering |
PG | 24000 ¥ | 3 |
Wind Energy and Solar Energy Systems and Engineerings
Wind Energy and Solar Energy Systems and Engineerings |
PG | 24000 ¥ | 3 |
Aircraft Manufacturing Engineering |
UG | 18000 ¥ | 4 |
Авиационное управление и информационная техника
Aircraft Control and Information Engineering |
UG | 18000 ¥ | 4 |
Automation |
UG | 18000 ¥ | 4 |
Аддитивное производство (3D-печать) для студентов бакалавриата
Additive Manufacturing (3D Printing) Minor for Undergraduate Students |
UG | 18000 ¥ | 4 |
Architecture |
UG | 18000 ¥ | 4 |
Аэрокосмическая техника
Aerospace Engineering |
UG | 18000 ¥ | 4 |
Биологические науки
Biological Sciences |
UG | 18000 ¥ | 4 |
Biotechnology |
UG | 18000 ¥ | 4 |
Военно-морская архитектура и морская инженерия
Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering |
UG | 18000 ¥ | 4 |
Гражданское строительство
Civil Engineering |
UG | 18000 ¥ | 4 |
Дизайн продукта
Product Design |
UG | 18000 ¥ | 4 |
Дорожное оборудование и техника управления
Traffic Equipment and Control Engineering |
UG | 18000 ¥ | 4 |
Инженерная механика
Engineering Mechanics |
UG | 18000 ¥ | 4 |
Инженерные коммуникации
Communication Engineering |
UG | 18000 ¥ | 4 |
Информационная безопасность
Information Security |
UG | 18000 ¥ | 4 |
Информационная и компьютерная наука
Information and Computing Science |
UG | 18000 ¥ | 4 |
Информационная инженерия
Information Engineering |
UG | 18000 ¥ | 4 |
Компьютерные науки и технологии
Computer Science and Technology |
UG | 18000 ¥ | 4 |
Летательный аппарат силовая установка
Flight Vehicle Propulsion Engineering |
UG | 18000 ¥ | 4 |
Летательный аппарат силовая установка
Flight Vehicle Propulsion Engineering |
UG | 18000 ¥ | 4 |
Математика и прикладная математика
Mathematics and Applied Mathematics |
UG | 18000 ¥ | 4 |
Материаловедение и инженерия
Materials Science and Engineering |
UG | 18000 ¥ | 4 |
Методы обнаружения, наведения и контроля
Detection, Guidance and Control Techniques |
UG | 18000 ¥ | 4 |
Методы обнаружения, наведения и контроля
Detection, Guidance and Control Techniques |
UG | 18000 ¥ | 4 |
Механическое проектирование, производство и автоматизация
Mechanical Design & Manufacturing and Automation |
UG | 18000 ¥ | 4 |
Мехатроника Инжиниринг
Mechatronics Engineering |
UG | 18000 ¥ | 4 |
Микроэлектромеханические системы проектирования
Microelectromechanical Systems Engineering |
UG | 18000 ¥ | 4 |
Микроэлектроника Наука и техника
Microelectronics Science and Engineering |
UG | 18000 ¥ | 4 |
Наука об окружающей среде
Environmental Science |
UG | 18000 ¥ | 4 |
Оптоэлектроника Информатика и информатика
Opto-Electronics Information Science and Engineering |
UG | 18000 ¥ | 4 |
Подводная акустика
Underwater Acoustics Engineering |
UG | 18000 ¥ | 4 |
Полимерные материалы и инженерия
Polymer Materials and Engineering |
UG | 18000 ¥ | 4 |
Прикладная физика
Applied Physics |
UG | 18000 ¥ | 4 |
Программная инженерия
Software Engineering |
UG | 18000 ¥ | 4 |
Проектирование и разработка летательных аппаратов
Flight Vehicle Design and Engineering |
UG | 18000 ¥ | 4 |
Проектирование и разработка летательных аппаратов
Flight Vehicle Design and Engineering |
UG | 18000 ¥ | 4 |
Промышленная инженерия
Industrial Engineering |
UG | 18000 ¥ | 4 |
Промышленный дизайн
Industrial Design |
UG | 18000 ¥ | 4 |
Statistics |
UG | 18000 ¥ | 4 |
Технология обнаружения, наведения и контроля
Detection, Guidance and Control Technology |
UG | 18000 ¥ | 4 |
Транспортная инженерия
Transport Engineering |
UG | 18000 ¥ | 4 |
Физика материалов
Materials Physics |
UG | 18000 ¥ | 4 |
Химическая инженерия и технология
Chemical Engineering and Technology |
UG | 18000 ¥ | 4 |
Электромагнитное поле и беспроводные технологии
Electromagnetic Field and Wireless Technology |
UG | 18000 ¥ | 4 |
Электронная информационная инженерия
Electronic Information Engineering |
UG | 18000 ¥ | 4 |
Электронная наука и техника
Electronic Science and Technology |
UG | 18000 ¥ | 4 |
Электротехника и Автоматизация
Electrical engineering and Automation |
UG | 18000 ¥ | 4 |
Energy and Power Engineering |
UG | 18000 ¥ | 4 |
Applied Economics
Applied Economics |
PG | 24000 ¥ | 3 |
Enterprise Management
Enterprise Management |
PG | 24000 ¥ | 3 |
Public Management
Public Management |
PG | 24000 ¥ | 3 |
Management Science and Engineering
Management Science and Engineering |
PG | 24000 ¥ | 3 |
Management Science and Engineering
Management Science and Engineering |
PG | 24000 ¥ | 3 |
Public Management
Public Management |
PG | 24000 ¥ | 3 |
Бизнес Администрирование
Business Administration Major |
UG | 18000 ¥ | 4 |
Международная экономика и торговля
International Economics and Trade |
UG | 18000 ¥ | 4 |
Наука управления и инженерия
Management Science and Engineering Major |
UG | 18000 ¥ | 4 |
Civil and Commercial Law
Civil and Commercial Law |
PG | 24000 ¥ | 3 |
Constitutional Law and Administrative Law
Constitutional Law and Administrative Law |
PG | 24000 ¥ | 3 |
Economics Law
Economics Law |
PG | 24000 ¥ | 3 |
Education Technology
Education Technology |
PG | 24000 ¥ | 3 |
Foreign Language and Literature and Applied Linguistics
Foreign Language and Literature and Applied Linguistics |
PG | 24000 ¥ | 3 |
English Language and Literature
English Language and Literature |
PG | 24000 ¥ | 3 |
Higher Education
Higher Education |
PG | 24000 ¥ | 3 |
Sprots Education Training
Sprots Education Training |
PG | 24000 ¥ | 3 |
Английский язык
English Language |
UG | 18000 ¥ | 4 |
Наука о праве
Science of Law |
UG | 18000 ¥ | 4 |
Немецкий язык
German Language |
UG | 18000 ¥ | 4 |
UG - бакалавриат; PG - магистратура | Скрыть |
Название специальности | Программа обучения | Стоимость за обучение в год (юань) | срок обучения |
Applied Economics
Applied Economics |
PG | 24000 ¥ | 3 |
Enterprise Management
Enterprise Management |
PG | 24000 ¥ | 3 |
Management Science and Engineering
Management Science and Engineering |
PG | 24000 ¥ | 3 |
Management Science and Engineering
Management Science and Engineering |
PG | 24000 ¥ | 3 |
Public Management
Public Management |
PG | 24000 ¥ | 3 |
Public Management
Public Management |
PG | 24000 ¥ | 3 |
Бизнес Администрирование
Business Administration Major |
UG | 18000 ¥ | 4 |
Международная экономика и торговля
International Economics and Trade |
UG | 18000 ¥ | 4 |
Наука управления и инженерия
Management Science and Engineering Major |
UG | 18000 ¥ | 4 |
UG - бакалавриат; PG - магистратура | Скрыть |
Название специальности | Программа обучения | Стоимость за обучение в год (юань) | срок обучения |
Acoustics |
PG | 24000 ¥ | 3 |
Aerodynamics |
PG | 24000 ¥ | 3 |
Aerospace facilities Engineering
Aerospace facilities Engineering |
PG | 24000 ¥ | 3 |
Aerospace Propulsion Theory and Engineering
Aerospace Propulsion Theory and Engineering |
PG | 24000 ¥ | 3 |
Aerospace Propulsion Theory and Engineering
Aerospace Propulsion Theory and Engineering |
PG | 24000 ¥ | 3 |
Aerospace Safety Engineering
Aerospace Safety Engineering |
PG | 24000 ¥ | 3 |
Aircraft Structures and Airworthiness Technology
Aircraft Structures and Airworthiness Technology |
PG | 24000 ¥ | 3 |
Airworthiness Technology and Management
Airworthiness Technology and Management |
PG | 24000 ¥ | 3 |
Applied Chemistry
Applied Chemistry |
PG | 24000 ¥ | 3 |
Applied Mathematics
Applied Mathematics |
PG | 24000 ¥ | 3 |
Architectural and Civil Engineering
Architectural and Civil Engineering |
PG | 24000 ¥ | 3 |
Architectural Design and Theory
Architectural Design and Theory |
PG | 24000 ¥ | 3 |
Architectural History and Theory
Architectural History and Theory |
PG | 24000 ¥ | 3 |
Armament Science and Technology
Armament Science and Technology |
PG | 24000 ¥ | 3 |
Biology |
PG | 24000 ¥ | 3 |
Biomedical Engineering
Biomedical Engineering |
PG | 24000 ¥ | 3 |
Biomedical Engineering
Biomedical Engineering |
PG | 24000 ¥ | 3 |
Biomedical Engineering
Biomedical Engineering |
PG | 24000 ¥ | 3 |
Chemical Technology
Chemical Technology |
PG | 24000 ¥ | 3 |
Armament Science and Technology
Armament Science and Technology |
PG | 24000 ¥ | 3 |
Chemistry and Physics of Polymers
Chemistry and Physics of Polymers |
PG | 24000 ¥ | 3 |
Circuit and System
Circuit and System |
PG | 24000 ¥ | 3 |
Civil Engineering
Civil Engineering |
PG | 24000 ¥ | 3 |
Communication and Information System
Communication and Information System |
PG | 24000 ¥ | 3 |
Communication and Information Systems
Communication and Information Systems |
PG | 24000 ¥ | 3 |
Communication and Information Systems
Communication and Information Systems |
PG | 24000 ¥ | 3 |
Computational Mathematics
Computational Mathematics |
PG | 24000 ¥ | 3 |
Computer Science and Technology
Computer Science and Technology |
PG | 24000 ¥ | 3 |
Computer Science and Technology
Computer Science and Technology |
PG | 24000 ¥ | 3 |
Condensed Matter Physics
Condensed Matter Physics |
PG | 24000 ¥ | 3 |
Control Engineering
Control Engineering |
PG | 24000 ¥ | 3 |
Control Science and Engineering
Control Science and Engineering |
PG | 24000 ¥ | 3 |
Control Theory and Control Engineering
Control Theory and Control Engineering |
PG | 24000 ¥ | 3 |
Control Theory and Engineering
Control Theory and Engineering |
PG | 24000 ¥ | 3 |
Design and Manufacture of Naval Architecture and Marine Structure
Design and Manufacture of Naval Architecture and Marine Structure |
PG | 24000 ¥ | 3 |
Design Science
Design Science |
PG | 24000 ¥ | 3 |
Detection Technology and Automatic Equipment
Detection Technology and Automatic Equipment |
PG | 24000 ¥ | 3 |
Electrical Engineering
Electrical Engineering |
PG | 24000 ¥ | 3 |
Electrical Engineering
Electrical Engineering |
PG | 24000 ¥ | 3 |
Electrical Engineering
Electrical Engineering |
PG | 24000 ¥ | 3 |
Electromagnetic Field and Microwave Techniques
Electromagnetic Field and Microwave Techniques |
PG | 24000 ¥ | 3 |
Electronic and Communication Engineering
Electronic and Communication Engineering |
PG | 24000 ¥ | 3 |
Engineering Mechancis
Engineering Mechancis |
PG | 24000 ¥ | 3 |
Engineering Thermophysics
Engineering Thermophysics |
PG | 24000 ¥ | 3 |
Engineering Thermophysics
Engineering Thermophysics |
PG | 24000 ¥ | 3 |
Environmental Engineering
Environmental Engineering |
PG | 24000 ¥ | 3 |
Environmental Engineering
Environmental Engineering |
PG | 24000 ¥ | 3 |
Environmental Science
Environmental Science |
PG | 24000 ¥ | 3 |
Flight Vehicle Design
Flight Vehicle Design |
PG | 24000 ¥ | 3 |
Flight Vehicle Design
Flight Vehicle Design |
PG | 24000 ¥ | 3 |
Fluid Machinery and Engineering
Fluid Machinery and Engineering |
PG | 24000 ¥ | 3 |
Fluid Mechanics
Fluid Mechanics |
PG | 24000 ¥ | 3 |
Fluid Mechanics
Fluid Mechanics |
PG | 24000 ¥ | 3 |
Fundamental Mathematics
Fundamental Mathematics |
PG | 24000 ¥ | 3 |
General and Fundamental Mechanics
General and Fundamental Mechanics |
PG | 24000 ¥ | 3 |
Industrial Design
Industrial Design |
PG | 24000 ¥ | 3 |
Industrial Engineering
Industrial Engineering |
PG | 24000 ¥ | 3 |
Instrument Science and Technology
Instrument Science and Technology |
PG | 24000 ¥ | 3 |
Instrument Science and Technology
Instrument Science and Technology |
PG | 24000 ¥ | 3 |
Integrated Avionics Technology
Integrated Avionics Technology |
PG | 24000 ¥ | 3 |
Integrated Circuit Engineering
Integrated Circuit Engineering |
PG | 24000 ¥ | 3 |
Kinetic Energy Machinery and Engineering
Kinetic Energy Machinery and Engineering |
PG | 24000 ¥ | 3 |
Machatronic Engineering
Machatronic Engineering |
PG | 24000 ¥ | 3 |
Man-Machine and Environmental Engineering
Man-Machine and Environmental Engineering |
PG | 24000 ¥ | 3 |
Manufacturing Engineering of Aerospace Vechicle
Manufacturing Engineering of Aerospace Vechicle |
PG | 24000 ¥ | 3 |
Material Science
Material Science |
PG | 24000 ¥ | 3 |
Materials Physics and Chemistry
Materials Physics and Chemistry |
PG | 24000 ¥ | 3 |
Materials Processing Engineering
Materials Processing Engineering |
PG | 24000 ¥ | 3 |
Materials Science
Materials Science |
PG | 24000 ¥ | 3 |
Matericals Processing Technology
Matericals Processing Technology |
PG | 24000 ¥ | 3 |
Matericals Science
Matericals Science |
PG | 24000 ¥ | 3 |
Means of Transport Applied Engineering
Means of Transport Applied Engineering |
PG | 24000 ¥ | 3 |
Mechanical Design and Theory
Mechanical Design and Theory |
PG | 24000 ¥ | 3 |
Mechanical Manufacturing and Automation
Mechanical Manufacturing and Automation |
PG | 24000 ¥ | 3 |
Mechatronic Engineering
Mechatronic Engineering |
PG | 24000 ¥ | 3 |
MEMS and Nanotechnology
MEMS and Nanotechnology |
PG | 24000 ¥ | 3 |
Micro-electronics and Solid-state Electronics
Micro-electronics and Solid-state Electronics |
PG | 24000 ¥ | 3 |
Navigation, Guidance and Control
Navigation, Guidance and Control |
PG | 24000 ¥ | 3 |
Network space security
Network space security |
PG | 24000 ¥ | 3 |
Operational Research and Cybernetics
Operational Research and Cybernetics |
PG | 24000 ¥ | 3 |
Opitics Engineering
Opitics Engineering |
PG | 24000 ¥ | 3 |
Optics |
PG | 24000 ¥ | 3 |
Physic Electronics
Physic Electronics |
PG | 24000 ¥ | 3 |
Physical Chemistry
Physical Chemistry |
PG | 24000 ¥ | 3 |
Power Electronics and Power Drives
Power Electronics and Power Drives |
PG | 24000 ¥ | 3 |
Probability and Statistics
Probability and Statistics |
PG | 24000 ¥ | 3 |
Safety Engineering
Safety Engineering |
PG | 24000 ¥ | 3 |
Signal and Information Processing
Signal and Information Processing |
PG | 24000 ¥ | 3 |
Signal and Information Processing
Signal and Information Processing |
PG | 24000 ¥ | 3 |
Signal and Information Processing
Signal and Information Processing |
PG | 24000 ¥ | 3 |
Software Engineering
Software Engineering |
PG | 24000 ¥ | 3 |
Software Engineering (Academic)
Software Engineering (Academic) |
PG | 24000 ¥ | 3 |
Software Engineering (Professional)
Software Engineering (Professional) |
PG | 24000 ¥ | 3 |
Solid Mechanics
Solid Mechanics |
PG | 24000 ¥ | 3 |
Space Applied Science and Engineering
Space Applied Science and Engineering |
PG | 24000 ¥ | 3 |
Statistics |
PG | 24000 ¥ | 3 |
System Analysis and Integration
System Analysis and Integration |
PG | 24000 ¥ | 3 |
Systems Engineering
Systems Engineering |
PG | 24000 ¥ | 3 |
Thermal Power Engineering
Thermal Power Engineering |
PG | 24000 ¥ | 3 |
Thermal Power Engineering
Thermal Power Engineering |
PG | 24000 ¥ | 3 |
Traffic Engineering
Traffic Engineering |
PG | 24000 ¥ | 3 |
Traffic Engineering
Traffic Engineering |
PG | 24000 ¥ | 3 |
Transportation Planning and Management
Transportation Planning and Management |
PG | 24000 ¥ | 3 |
Underwater Acoustics Engineering
Underwater Acoustics Engineering |
PG | 24000 ¥ | 3 |
Vehicle Engineering
Vehicle Engineering |
PG | 24000 ¥ | 3 |
Wind Energy and Solar Energy Systems and Engineerings
Wind Energy and Solar Energy Systems and Engineerings |
PG | 24000 ¥ | 3 |
Aircraft Manufacturing Engineering |
UG | 18000 ¥ | 4 |
Авиационное управление и информационная техника
Aircraft Control and Information Engineering |
UG | 18000 ¥ | 4 |
Automation |
UG | 18000 ¥ | 4 |
Аддитивное производство (3D-печать) для студентов бакалавриата
Additive Manufacturing (3D Printing) Minor for Undergraduate Students |
UG | 18000 ¥ | 4 |
Architecture |
UG | 18000 ¥ | 4 |
Аэрокосмическая техника
Aerospace Engineering |
UG | 18000 ¥ | 4 |
Биологические науки
Biological Sciences |
UG | 18000 ¥ | 4 |
Biotechnology |
UG | 18000 ¥ | 4 |
Военно-морская архитектура и морская инженерия
Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering |
UG | 18000 ¥ | 4 |
Гражданское строительство
Civil Engineering |
UG | 18000 ¥ | 4 |
Дизайн продукта
Product Design |
UG | 18000 ¥ | 4 |
Дорожное оборудование и техника управления
Traffic Equipment and Control Engineering |
UG | 18000 ¥ | 4 |
Инженерная механика
Engineering Mechanics |
UG | 18000 ¥ | 4 |
Инженерные коммуникации
Communication Engineering |
UG | 18000 ¥ | 4 |
Информационная безопасность
Information Security |
UG | 18000 ¥ | 4 |
Информационная и компьютерная наука
Information and Computing Science |
UG | 18000 ¥ | 4 |
Информационная инженерия
Information Engineering |
UG | 18000 ¥ | 4 |
Компьютерные науки и технологии
Computer Science and Technology |
UG | 18000 ¥ | 4 |
Летательный аппарат силовая установка
Flight Vehicle Propulsion Engineering |
UG | 18000 ¥ | 4 |
Летательный аппарат силовая установка
Flight Vehicle Propulsion Engineering |
UG | 18000 ¥ | 4 |
Математика и прикладная математика
Mathematics and Applied Mathematics |
UG | 18000 ¥ | 4 |
Материаловедение и инженерия
Materials Science and Engineering |
UG | 18000 ¥ | 4 |
Методы обнаружения, наведения и контроля
Detection, Guidance and Control Techniques |
UG | 18000 ¥ | 4 |
Методы обнаружения, наведения и контроля
Detection, Guidance and Control Techniques |
UG | 18000 ¥ | 4 |
Механическое проектирование, производство и автоматизация
Mechanical Design & Manufacturing and Automation |
UG | 18000 ¥ | 4 |
Мехатроника Инжиниринг
Mechatronics Engineering |
UG | 18000 ¥ | 4 |
Микроэлектромеханические системы проектирования
Microelectromechanical Systems Engineering |
UG | 18000 ¥ | 4 |
Микроэлектроника Наука и техника
Microelectronics Science and Engineering |
UG | 18000 ¥ | 4 |
Наука об окружающей среде
Environmental Science |
UG | 18000 ¥ | 4 |
Оптоэлектроника Информатика и информатика
Opto-Electronics Information Science and Engineering |
UG | 18000 ¥ | 4 |
Подводная акустика
Underwater Acoustics Engineering |
UG | 18000 ¥ | 4 |
Полимерные материалы и инженерия
Polymer Materials and Engineering |
UG | 18000 ¥ | 4 |
Прикладная физика
Applied Physics |
UG | 18000 ¥ | 4 |
Программная инженерия
Software Engineering |
UG | 18000 ¥ | 4 |
Проектирование и разработка летательных аппаратов
Flight Vehicle Design and Engineering |
UG | 18000 ¥ | 4 |
Проектирование и разработка летательных аппаратов
Flight Vehicle Design and Engineering |
UG | 18000 ¥ | 4 |
Промышленная инженерия
Industrial Engineering |
UG | 18000 ¥ | 4 |
Промышленный дизайн
Industrial Design |
UG | 18000 ¥ | 4 |
Statistics |
UG | 18000 ¥ | 4 |
Технология обнаружения, наведения и контроля
Detection, Guidance and Control Technology |
UG | 18000 ¥ | 4 |
Транспортная инженерия
Transport Engineering |
UG | 18000 ¥ | 4 |
Физика материалов
Materials Physics |
UG | 18000 ¥ | 4 |
Химическая инженерия и технология
Chemical Engineering and Technology |
UG | 18000 ¥ | 4 |
Электромагнитное поле и беспроводные технологии
Electromagnetic Field and Wireless Technology |
UG | 18000 ¥ | 4 |
Электронная информационная инженерия
Electronic Information Engineering |
UG | 18000 ¥ | 4 |
Электронная наука и техника
Electronic Science and Technology |
UG | 18000 ¥ | 4 |
Электротехника и Автоматизация
Electrical engineering and Automation |
UG | 18000 ¥ | 4 |
Energy and Power Engineering |
UG | 18000 ¥ | 4 |
UG - бакалавриат; PG - магистратура | Скрыть |
Название специальности | Программа обучения | Стоимость за обучение в год (юань) | срок обучения |
Civil and Commercial Law
Civil and Commercial Law |
PG | 24000 ¥ | 3 |
Constitutional Law and Administrative Law
Constitutional Law and Administrative Law |
PG | 24000 ¥ | 3 |
Economics Law
Economics Law |
PG | 24000 ¥ | 3 |
Education Technology
Education Technology |
PG | 24000 ¥ | 3 |
English Language and Literature
English Language and Literature |
PG | 24000 ¥ | 3 |
Foreign Language and Literature and Applied Linguistics
Foreign Language and Literature and Applied Linguistics |
PG | 24000 ¥ | 3 |
Higher Education
Higher Education |
PG | 24000 ¥ | 3 |
Sprots Education Training
Sprots Education Training |
PG | 24000 ¥ | 3 |
Английский язык
English Language |
UG | 18000 ¥ | 4 |
Наука о праве
Science of Law |
UG | 18000 ¥ | 4 |
Немецкий язык
German Language |
UG | 18000 ¥ | 4 |
UG - бакалавриат; PG - магистратура | Скрыть |
комната в общежитии NPU
Представлено общее описание условий проживания. Данная информация может быть скорректирована университетом.
Условия проживания:
Вода и электричество: платные – в среднем порядка 35-40 юаней в месяц с человека (зависит от расхода студента)
Депозит: 500 юаней (оплата при заселении. Будет возвращен при условии сохранности имущества вуза)
Постельное белье: не предоставляется
Стоимость (в юанях):
Долгосрочно: 7,200/ 12 месяцев
Краткосрочно: 20/ день
Опции :
X Бесплатный wifi (10 юаней в месяц)
○ Кондиционер
○ Туалет в номере
○ Общая кухня
○ Общая прачечная
X Телевизор
○ 24 часа горячая вода
○ Система охраны
X Услуги уборки
Население: 12 млн.
Проживание (мес): ₽₽ 25-35 тыс
Климат зимой: -5/0℃
Климат летом: +27/+33℃
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В центре города Сиань в районе колокольных и барабанных башен вы сможете насладиться настоящей красотой Сианя. Вечером, когда включаются фонари, вам может показаться, что вы вернулись во времена династии Тан.
Тысячелетняя большая пагода диких гусей отражает буддийскую историю и культуру Китая.
Сегодня это очень романтичное место, ведь перед пагодой расположен самый большой в Азии музыкальный фонтан.
На нашем YouTube канале мы отвечаем на часто задаваемые вопросы, показываем, как выглядят вузы CCN, делимся видео от наших студентов, публикуем отзывы, видеоотчеты с мероприятий и многое другое. Подписывайтесь и первыми узнайте все об обучении и проживании в Китае!
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