Южный медицинский университет (SMU) — был основан в октябре 1951 года и вскоре стал одним из ключевых национальных вузов Китая.
Южный медицинский университет ранее был известен как первый военно-медицинский университет. Вуз расположен вблизи одной из главных достопримечательностей Гуанчжоу — горы Байюнь.
Факты про Южный медицинский университет:
Показать большеВузы регулярно участвуют в нескольких китайских рейтингах. Есть отраслевые рейтинги, когда присваивается место по определенной дисциплине, и сводные рейтинги – Вуз оцениваем по совокупности показателей.
по Китаю
в мире по биомедицинской инженерии
в мире по фармацевтике
20000 юаней, эквивалент 60% скидке
На первый год
Условия получения: средний балл по предметам — 80%
10000 юаней, эквивалент 30% скидке
На первый год
Условия получения: средний балл по предметам — 70%
Южный медицинский университет является крупным многопрофильным вузом с большим выбором специальностей. Выберите направление, которое Вам подходит и программу обучения: UG (undergraduate) — бакалавриат, PG (postgraduate) — магистратура.
Название специальности | Программа обучения | Стоимость за обучение в год (юань) | срок обучения |
* Stomatology
* Stomatology |
PG | 38000 ¥ | 3 |
Acupuncture and Massage Therapy
Acupuncture and Massage Therapy |
PG | 38000 ¥ | 3 |
Anesthesiology |
PG | 38000 ¥ | 3 |
Applied Biology
Applied Biology |
PG | 38000 ¥ | 3 |
Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
Biochemistry and Molecular Biology |
PG | 38000 ¥ | 3 |
Bioinformatics |
PG | 38000 ¥ | 3 |
Cell-biology |
PG | 38000 ¥ | 3 |
Chinese Pharmacology
Chinese Pharmacology |
PG | 38000 ¥ | 3 |
Clinic Analysis and Laboratory Diagnosis
Clinic Analysis and Laboratory Diagnosis |
PG | 38000 ¥ | 3 |
Clinical Genetics
Clinical Genetics |
PG | 38000 ¥ | 3 |
Clinical Medicine of Traditional Chinese Medicine and Western Medicine
Clinical Medicine of Traditional Chinese Medicine and Western Medicine |
PG | 38000 ¥ | 3 |
Clinical Pathology
Clinical Pathology |
PG | 38000 ¥ | 3 |
Dermatology and Venereology
Dermatology and Venereology |
PG | 38000 ¥ | 3 |
Developmental Biology
Developmental Biology |
PG | 38000 ¥ | 3 |
Diagnostics of Traditional Chinese Medicine
Diagnostics of Traditional Chinese Medicine |
PG | 38000 ¥ | 3 |
Emergency Medicine
Emergency Medicine |
PG | 38000 ¥ | 3 |
Epidemiology and Health Statistics
Epidemiology and Health Statistics |
PG | 38000 ¥ | 3 |
Forensic Medicine
Forensic Medicine |
PG | 38000 ¥ | 3 |
General Medicine
General Medicine |
PG | 38000 ¥ | 3 |
Genetics |
PG | 38000 ¥ | 3 |
Geriatrics |
PG | 38000 ¥ | 3 |
Human Anatomy and Histology and Embryology
Human Anatomy and Histology and Embryology |
PG | 38000 ¥ | 3 |
Hygienic Toxicology
Hygienic Toxicology |
PG | 38000 ¥ | 3 |
Immunology |
PG | 38000 ¥ | 3 |
Internal Medicine (Cardiovascular Diseases, Hematology, Respiratory Diseases, Digestive Diseases, Endocrine and Metabolic Disorders, Nephrology, Rheumatology, Infectious Diseases)
Internal Medicine (Cardiovascular Diseases, Hematology, Respiratory Diseases, Digestive Diseases, Endocrine and Metabolic Disorders, Nephrology, Rheumatology, Infectious Diseases) |
PG | 38000 ¥ | 3 |
Internal Medicine of Traditional Chinese Medicine
Internal Medicine of Traditional Chinese Medicine |
PG | 38000 ¥ | 3 |
Maternal, Child and Adolescent Health
Maternal, Child and Adolescent Health |
PG | 38000 ¥ | 3 |
Medical Imaging and Nuclear Medicine
Medical Imaging and Nuclear Medicine |
PG | 38000 ¥ | 3 |
mental hygiene
mental hygiene |
PG | 38000 ¥ | 3 |
Microbial and Biochemical Pharmacy
Microbial and Biochemical Pharmacy |
PG | 38000 ¥ | 3 |
Military Preventive Medicine
Military Preventive Medicine |
PG | 38000 ¥ | 3 |
Neurobiology |
PG | 38000 ¥ | 3 |
Neurology |
PG | 38000 ¥ | 3 |
Nursing |
PG | 38000 ¥ | 3 |
Nutrition and Food Hygiene
Nutrition and Food Hygiene |
PG | 38000 ¥ | 3 |
Obstetrics & Gynecology
Obstetrics & Gynecology |
PG | 38000 ¥ | 3 |
Occupational and Environmental Health
Occupational and Environmental Health |
PG | 38000 ¥ | 3 |
Oncology |
PG | 38000 ¥ | 3 |
Oncology |
PG | 38000 ¥ | 3 |
Ophthalmology |
PG | 38000 ¥ | 3 |
Orthopedics of Traditional Chinese Medicine
Orthopedics of Traditional Chinese Medicine |
PG | 38000 ¥ | 3 |
Otorhinolaryngology |
PG | 38000 ¥ | 3 |
pathogeny biology
pathogeny biology |
PG | 38000 ¥ | 3 |
Pathology and Pathological Physiology
Pathology and Pathological Physiology |
PG | 38000 ¥ | 3 |
Pediatrics |
PG | 38000 ¥ | 3 |
Pharmaceutical Analysis
Pharmaceutical Analysis |
PG | 38000 ¥ | 3 |
Pharmaceutics |
PG | 38000 ¥ | 3 |
Pharmacology |
PG | 38000 ¥ | 3 |
Pharmacochemistry |
PG | 38000 ¥ | 3 |
Pharmacy |
PG | 38000 ¥ | 3 |
Physiology |
PG | 38000 ¥ | 3 |
Prevention and control of infectious diseases
Prevention and control of infectious diseases |
PG | 38000 ¥ | 3 |
Psychopathy and Psychiatry
Psychopathy and Psychiatry |
PG | 38000 ¥ | 3 |
Public Health
Public Health |
PG | 38000 ¥ | 3 |
radioactive medicine
radioactive medicine |
PG | 38000 ¥ | 3 |
Rehabilitation Medicine &Physiotherapy
Rehabilitation Medicine &Physiotherapy |
PG | 38000 ¥ | 3 |
sanitation stringency
sanitation stringency |
PG | 38000 ¥ | 3 |
Special Medicine
Special Medicine |
PG | 38000 ¥ | 3 |
Special Medicine
Special Medicine |
PG | 38000 ¥ | 3 |
Surgery (General Surgery, Orthopedics, Urology, Cardio -Thoracic Surgery, Neuro-surgery, Plastic Surgery, Burns Surgery)
Surgery (General Surgery, Orthopedics, Urology, Cardio -Thoracic Surgery, Neuro-surgery, Plastic Surgery, Burns Surgery) |
PG | 38000 ¥ | 3 |
Surgery of Traditional Chinese Medicine
Surgery of Traditional Chinese Medicine |
PG | 38000 ¥ | 3 |
Transfusion Medicine
Transfusion Medicine |
PG | 38000 ¥ | 3 |
Zoology |
PG | 38000 ¥ | 3 |
Anesthesiology |
UG | 30000 ¥ | 5 |
Иглоукалывание и массаж
Acupuncture and Massage Therapy |
UG | 30000 ¥ | 5 |
Интегративная медицина (традиционная китайская медицина и западная медицина)
Integrative Medicine (Traditional Chinese Medicine and Western Medicine ) |
UG | 30000 ¥ | 5 |
Клиническая медицина
Clinical Medicine |
UG | 30000 ¥ | 5 |
Медицинская лаборатория
Medical Laboratory |
UG | 30000 ¥ | 4 |
Медицинский эксперимент
Medical Experiment |
UG | 30000 ¥ | 4 |
Основные медицинские науки
Basic Medical Sciences |
UG | 30000 ¥ | 5 |
Pediatrics |
UG | 30000 ¥ | 5 |
Профилактическая медицина
Preventive Medicine |
UG | 30000 ¥ | 5 |
Психологическая Медицина
Psychologic Medicine |
UG | 30000 ¥ | 5 |
Реабилитационная терапия
Rehabilitation Therapy |
UG | 30000 ¥ | 4 |
Medical Imaging |
UG | 30000 ¥ | 5 |
Stomatology |
UG | 30000 ¥ | 5 |
Судебная медицина
Forensic Medicine |
UG | 30000 ¥ | 5 |
Традиционная китайская медицина
Traditional Chinese Medicine |
UG | 30000 ¥ | 5 |
Pharmacy |
UG | 30000 ¥ | 4 |
* Applied Psychology
* Applied Psychology |
PG | 38000 ¥ | 3 |
Biomedical Engineering
Biomedical Engineering |
PG | 38000 ¥ | 3 |
Computer Applications Technology
Computer Applications Technology |
PG | 38000 ¥ | 3 |
Midwifery |
UG | 30000 ¥ | 4 |
Bioengineering |
UG | 30000 ¥ | 4 |
Bioinformatics |
UG | 30000 ¥ | 4 |
Biotechnology |
UG | 30000 ¥ | 4 |
Клиническая Аптека
Clinical Pharmacy |
UG | 30000 ¥ | 5 |
Обработка традиционной китайской медицины
Traditional Chinese Medicine Processing |
UG | 30000 ¥ | 4 |
Прикладная психология
Applied Psychology |
UG | 30000 ¥ | 4 |
Прикладная статистика (биостатистика)
Applied Statistics (Biostatistics) |
UG | 30000 ¥ | 4 |
Сестринское дело
Nursing |
UG | 30000 ¥ | 4 |
Традиционная китайская фармакология
Traditional Chinese Pharmacology |
UG | 30000 ¥ | 4 |
* Social Medicine and Public Health Management
* Social Medicine and Public Health Management |
PG | 38000 ¥ | 3 |
Право (Надзор и управление здравоохранением)
Law (Health Supervision and Management) |
UG | 30000 ¥ | 4 |
Управление по связям с общественностью (Управление больницей)
Public Affairs Management (Hospital Management) |
UG | 30000 ¥ | 4 |
Экономика (экономика здравоохранения, медицинское страхование)
Economics(Health Economics, Medical Insurance) |
UG | 30000 ¥ | 4 |
UG - бакалавриат; PG - магистратура | Скрыть |
Название специальности | Программа обучения | Стоимость за обучение в год (юань) | срок обучения |
* Social Medicine and Public Health Management
* Social Medicine and Public Health Management |
PG | 38000 ¥ | 3 |
Право (Надзор и управление здравоохранением)
Law (Health Supervision and Management) |
UG | 30000 ¥ | 4 |
Управление по связям с общественностью (Управление больницей)
Public Affairs Management (Hospital Management) |
UG | 30000 ¥ | 4 |
Экономика (экономика здравоохранения, медицинское страхование)
Economics(Health Economics, Medical Insurance) |
UG | 30000 ¥ | 4 |
UG - бакалавриат; PG - магистратура | Скрыть |
Название специальности | Программа обучения | Стоимость за обучение в год (юань) | срок обучения |
* Applied Psychology
* Applied Psychology |
PG | 38000 ¥ | 3 |
Biomedical Engineering
Biomedical Engineering |
PG | 38000 ¥ | 3 |
Computer Applications Technology
Computer Applications Technology |
PG | 38000 ¥ | 3 |
Midwifery |
UG | 30000 ¥ | 4 |
Bioengineering |
UG | 30000 ¥ | 4 |
Bioinformatics |
UG | 30000 ¥ | 4 |
Biotechnology |
UG | 30000 ¥ | 4 |
Клиническая Аптека
Clinical Pharmacy |
UG | 30000 ¥ | 5 |
Обработка традиционной китайской медицины
Traditional Chinese Medicine Processing |
UG | 30000 ¥ | 4 |
Прикладная психология
Applied Psychology |
UG | 30000 ¥ | 4 |
Прикладная статистика (биостатистика)
Applied Statistics (Biostatistics) |
UG | 30000 ¥ | 4 |
Сестринское дело
Nursing |
UG | 30000 ¥ | 4 |
Традиционная китайская фармакология
Traditional Chinese Pharmacology |
UG | 30000 ¥ | 4 |
UG - бакалавриат; PG - магистратура | Скрыть |
Название специальности | Программа обучения | Стоимость за обучение в год (юань) | срок обучения |
* Stomatology
* Stomatology |
PG | 38000 ¥ | 3 |
Acupuncture and Massage Therapy
Acupuncture and Massage Therapy |
PG | 38000 ¥ | 3 |
Anesthesiology |
PG | 38000 ¥ | 3 |
Applied Biology
Applied Biology |
PG | 38000 ¥ | 3 |
Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
Biochemistry and Molecular Biology |
PG | 38000 ¥ | 3 |
Bioinformatics |
PG | 38000 ¥ | 3 |
Cell-biology |
PG | 38000 ¥ | 3 |
Chinese Pharmacology
Chinese Pharmacology |
PG | 38000 ¥ | 3 |
Clinic Analysis and Laboratory Diagnosis
Clinic Analysis and Laboratory Diagnosis |
PG | 38000 ¥ | 3 |
Clinical Genetics
Clinical Genetics |
PG | 38000 ¥ | 3 |
Clinical Medicine of Traditional Chinese Medicine and Western Medicine
Clinical Medicine of Traditional Chinese Medicine and Western Medicine |
PG | 38000 ¥ | 3 |
Clinical Pathology
Clinical Pathology |
PG | 38000 ¥ | 3 |
Dermatology and Venereology
Dermatology and Venereology |
PG | 38000 ¥ | 3 |
Developmental Biology
Developmental Biology |
PG | 38000 ¥ | 3 |
Diagnostics of Traditional Chinese Medicine
Diagnostics of Traditional Chinese Medicine |
PG | 38000 ¥ | 3 |
Emergency Medicine
Emergency Medicine |
PG | 38000 ¥ | 3 |
Epidemiology and Health Statistics
Epidemiology and Health Statistics |
PG | 38000 ¥ | 3 |
Forensic Medicine
Forensic Medicine |
PG | 38000 ¥ | 3 |
General Medicine
General Medicine |
PG | 38000 ¥ | 3 |
Genetics |
PG | 38000 ¥ | 3 |
Geriatrics |
PG | 38000 ¥ | 3 |
Human Anatomy and Histology and Embryology
Human Anatomy and Histology and Embryology |
PG | 38000 ¥ | 3 |
Hygienic Toxicology
Hygienic Toxicology |
PG | 38000 ¥ | 3 |
Immunology |
PG | 38000 ¥ | 3 |
Internal Medicine (Cardiovascular Diseases, Hematology, Respiratory Diseases, Digestive Diseases, Endocrine and Metabolic Disorders, Nephrology, Rheumatology, Infectious Diseases)
Internal Medicine (Cardiovascular Diseases, Hematology, Respiratory Diseases, Digestive Diseases, Endocrine and Metabolic Disorders, Nephrology, Rheumatology, Infectious Diseases) |
PG | 38000 ¥ | 3 |
Internal Medicine of Traditional Chinese Medicine
Internal Medicine of Traditional Chinese Medicine |
PG | 38000 ¥ | 3 |
Maternal, Child and Adolescent Health
Maternal, Child and Adolescent Health |
PG | 38000 ¥ | 3 |
Medical Imaging and Nuclear Medicine
Medical Imaging and Nuclear Medicine |
PG | 38000 ¥ | 3 |
mental hygiene
mental hygiene |
PG | 38000 ¥ | 3 |
Microbial and Biochemical Pharmacy
Microbial and Biochemical Pharmacy |
PG | 38000 ¥ | 3 |
Military Preventive Medicine
Military Preventive Medicine |
PG | 38000 ¥ | 3 |
Neurobiology |
PG | 38000 ¥ | 3 |
Neurology |
PG | 38000 ¥ | 3 |
Nursing |
PG | 38000 ¥ | 3 |
Nutrition and Food Hygiene
Nutrition and Food Hygiene |
PG | 38000 ¥ | 3 |
Obstetrics & Gynecology
Obstetrics & Gynecology |
PG | 38000 ¥ | 3 |
Occupational and Environmental Health
Occupational and Environmental Health |
PG | 38000 ¥ | 3 |
Oncology |
PG | 38000 ¥ | 3 |
Oncology |
PG | 38000 ¥ | 3 |
Ophthalmology |
PG | 38000 ¥ | 3 |
Orthopedics of Traditional Chinese Medicine
Orthopedics of Traditional Chinese Medicine |
PG | 38000 ¥ | 3 |
Otorhinolaryngology |
PG | 38000 ¥ | 3 |
pathogeny biology
pathogeny biology |
PG | 38000 ¥ | 3 |
Pathology and Pathological Physiology
Pathology and Pathological Physiology |
PG | 38000 ¥ | 3 |
Pediatrics |
PG | 38000 ¥ | 3 |
Pharmaceutical Analysis
Pharmaceutical Analysis |
PG | 38000 ¥ | 3 |
Pharmaceutics |
PG | 38000 ¥ | 3 |
Pharmacology |
PG | 38000 ¥ | 3 |
Pharmacochemistry |
PG | 38000 ¥ | 3 |
Pharmacy |
PG | 38000 ¥ | 3 |
Physiology |
PG | 38000 ¥ | 3 |
Prevention and control of infectious diseases
Prevention and control of infectious diseases |
PG | 38000 ¥ | 3 |
Psychopathy and Psychiatry
Psychopathy and Psychiatry |
PG | 38000 ¥ | 3 |
Public Health
Public Health |
PG | 38000 ¥ | 3 |
radioactive medicine
radioactive medicine |
PG | 38000 ¥ | 3 |
Rehabilitation Medicine &Physiotherapy
Rehabilitation Medicine &Physiotherapy |
PG | 38000 ¥ | 3 |
sanitation stringency
sanitation stringency |
PG | 38000 ¥ | 3 |
Special Medicine
Special Medicine |
PG | 38000 ¥ | 3 |
Special Medicine
Special Medicine |
PG | 38000 ¥ | 3 |
Surgery (General Surgery, Orthopedics, Urology, Cardio -Thoracic Surgery, Neuro-surgery, Plastic Surgery, Burns Surgery)
Surgery (General Surgery, Orthopedics, Urology, Cardio -Thoracic Surgery, Neuro-surgery, Plastic Surgery, Burns Surgery) |
PG | 38000 ¥ | 3 |
Surgery of Traditional Chinese Medicine
Surgery of Traditional Chinese Medicine |
PG | 38000 ¥ | 3 |
Transfusion Medicine
Transfusion Medicine |
PG | 38000 ¥ | 3 |
Zoology |
PG | 38000 ¥ | 3 |
Anesthesiology |
UG | 30000 ¥ | 5 |
Иглоукалывание и массаж
Acupuncture and Massage Therapy |
UG | 30000 ¥ | 5 |
Интегративная медицина (традиционная китайская медицина и западная медицина)
Integrative Medicine (Traditional Chinese Medicine and Western Medicine ) |
UG | 30000 ¥ | 5 |
Клиническая медицина
Clinical Medicine |
UG | 30000 ¥ | 5 |
Медицинская лаборатория
Medical Laboratory |
UG | 30000 ¥ | 4 |
Медицинский эксперимент
Medical Experiment |
UG | 30000 ¥ | 4 |
Основные медицинские науки
Basic Medical Sciences |
UG | 30000 ¥ | 5 |
Pediatrics |
UG | 30000 ¥ | 5 |
Профилактическая медицина
Preventive Medicine |
UG | 30000 ¥ | 5 |
Психологическая Медицина
Psychologic Medicine |
UG | 30000 ¥ | 5 |
Реабилитационная терапия
Rehabilitation Therapy |
UG | 30000 ¥ | 4 |
Medical Imaging |
UG | 30000 ¥ | 5 |
Stomatology |
UG | 30000 ¥ | 5 |
Судебная медицина
Forensic Medicine |
UG | 30000 ¥ | 5 |
Традиционная китайская медицина
Traditional Chinese Medicine |
UG | 30000 ¥ | 5 |
Pharmacy |
UG | 30000 ¥ | 4 |
UG - бакалавриат; PG - магистратура | Скрыть |
Население: 14,5 млн.
Проживание (мес): ₽₽ 30-35 тыс
Климат зимой: +10/+15℃
Климат летом: +27/+35℃
Гуанчжоу — один из 24 исторических городов Китая, с более чем 2000-летней историей. Сейчас город является крупнейшим туристическим, промышленным, финансовым и транспортным центром Китая.
Самый крупный парк в Гуанчжоу, его площадь составляет 920 тыс. м². В парке много цветов и деревьев, ежегодно весной и осенью здесь проводятся крупная весенняя ярмарка и выставка хризантем. Внутри парка имеется стадион, вмещающий свыше 30 тыс. зрителей. Главные достопримечательности парка: статуя Пяти козлов (символ города Гуанчжоу), музей Чжэнхайлоу в старинном здании городской смотровой башни, обелиск памяти Сунь Ятсена и городская стена минской эпохи.
Многофункциональный международный выставочный центр, самый крупный и самый современный в Азии, второй по величине в мире, был открыт в 2002 году.
Вторая по высоте телебашня в мире, высота составляет 610 метров. Башня используется также для обзора панорамы города и рассчитана на приём 10000 туристов в день.
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